Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Rodeo Cleanup 2016

On the last weekend of March our troop cleaned up after messy humans at the Elma Rodeo.  We started at 8:00am. We grabbed some brooms and garbage bags and started cleaning. First we checked the bleachers for garbage. Second we swept the grandstands of all the dirt and crud.  Then we wiped the bleachers of grime.  After that, on Sunday we went under the bleachers and cleaned up all of trash down there and tried not to gag. By the end of the day, the Rodeo was relatively clean and the rest of us not-so-clean. 

under the bleachers

many, many trash bags

Eric displaying the hat and sunglasses he found

Grays Harbor Mounted Posse Rodeo paid us very well for 5 1/2 hours of cleaning.  This will be known as the year of the umbrellas (we found 3 umbrellas).

- Dan the Historian

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