Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Dutch Oven Cooking at Lake Sylvia 2016

Last Saturday along with two other Boy Scout troops, Troop 15 did the dutch oven demo at Lake Sylvia. We arrived early so we could set up our super fly, since it was raining, and cook our dishes.  The dish I cooked was a chicken BBQ with potatoes and bacon.  It turned out well.  When we started serving at 11:00 am there were around twenty dishes that had finished cooking.  Some of the dishes were chicken pot pie, apple cobbler, pizza, a cheesy tomato pasta, and a beef stew just to name some of them.  We had quite a few people show up considering it rained in the morning.  We had several actual chefs come through and give advice.  The previous and current mayors.  The donation totaled up to $137 and most of the food was eaten. All and all it was a pretty fun time, as always.


Last Saturday our troop and two other troops, from Aberdeen and Central Park, did the Dutch Oven Cook-off at the Lake Sylvia Festival. We all arrived at Lake Sylvia at around 8:30 am to cook our dishes and to set up the rain flies so we did not get soaked. We started serving at 11:00 am, I cooked my usual dish which is pizza. there was about twenty dishes there. Lots of people showed up and enjoyed our food including some chefs which was exciting. It was a very enjoyable day.


Aberdeen Troop 5 setting up a rain fly
Dan preparing pizza



set up rain fly

getting ready to serve

serving the food

serving the food #2

the guinea pigs

pizza serving creep

Slackers #1

Slackers #2

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Camp Meriwether 2016

This summer for camp our troop went down to the Oregon Coast to Camp Meriwether.  We left about 9:00am and got there for sign-up at 12:00pm.  We were then directed to the parking where we would wait for our troop guides.  We had three troop guides this year.  They were: Matt, Richard, and Max.  After some delay we got started on our tour.  Our first stop was the life sized replica of Fort Clatsop and some safety talks.  After touring the dining hall, trading post, and other stuff we got down to our campsite and started unloading.  The merit badges I did were archeology, Indian lore, plant science, forestry, nature, and environmental science.  (I finished them all)

When morning came, we all got up to get in our class A's (nice uniform) and sent the waiters to the dining hall.  Eric and I were the waiters throughout the week.  I could talk about merit badges and all that boring stuff, but instead I am going to talk aboutthe HULLABALOO!!!!!!!  Throughout the week troops receive something called Hullabaloo points for picking up trash and other things.  Your troop needed the points so that on the last day you can waste them all on electing a staffer to go into the lake!  It was a big deal.  But the biggest occasion to get 1,000 Hullabaloo Points (alot) was lunchtime.  After lunch the program director would come up and scream at the top of his lungs into a microphone and just about shatter your ear drums.  He would call out campsites to perform their campsite verse/yell.  Although we were the smallest campsite and had a bunch of party poopers, we totally kicked butt.  At the end of the week, here are the staffers who went into the lake (in order of points):  Jake the shotgun director, Mark Spicklemier, Program director Nick, Ash (someone I didn't meet), and CJ of handicrafts.

The week at Camp Meriwether was very fun and exciting, like always.

- Dan

Just this last week the troop took a three hour drive down to the Tillamook area for summer camp at Meriwether.  The drive was quite tedious but we eventually arrived at camp and signed-up.  After waiting a little while we met our troop guides, who took us on a tour and came to our campsite and talked.  We also shared a campsite with two other troops.  They were okay. We also did waitering, so two people went and set tables and so on for every meal.  It went okay the first day.

The next day we went to our merit badges.  Mine were oceanography, rifle shooting, and environmental science.  Oceanography was pretty fun.  We actually went on a pretty cool tidepool hike.  The teacher was pretty likable.  Next was rifle shooting.  It was really fun because of the instructor.  It was quite easy.  Finally, the hardest merit badge was environmental science.  It was also the noisiest.

Everyday at lunchtime we had the Hullabaloo.  This is where you scream and yell alot.  Each campsite had a verse/yell they had to recite.  We were the vikings:

Hearty viking troop are we
searchers of the land and sea
warriors bold we'll always be

We yelled it so loud that my throat began to hurt. One of the activities we did that was most memorable was the movie trivia at stage craft.  Even though it was a low turnout (3 teams), some of the questions we knew and some we were totally clueless on.

 At the end of the week they had the Hullabaloo games.  This is where you run around camp doing different games.  By some weird chance we earned third place!  We were all really surprised!  There was also a staffer dunking.  Five staffers that received the most votes got thrown into the lake.  This was great fun to watch.

That pretty much covers all the interesting stuff at camp.  All in all it was a fun camp.  The staffers were fun,, the food was ok, and the trading post had candy, so it was very fun.

- Joe

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Canoe Trip


The sun was shining...but not for long!

                                                                  Steve in his kayak
                                                                         the canoes
Joe and Dan in the newly donated super awesome canoe

Ending point:  Friends Landing  starting point:  Keyes Road boat launch.  Approximately 14 miles

Last weekend our troop went on a canoe trip from Keyes Road to Friends Landing.  Our troop started on Saturday.  Joe and I in the new canoe, Dad and Jae in another, and Steve in a kayak.  Eric decided to man it out and go alone, which I think he regretted later.  As the hours passed, sometimes it rained so hard we had to start bailing with styrofoam cups.  It's suppose to be summer!  About 2/3rd of the way there we stopped in Monte so we could rest.  The adults talked about the foolishness of their choices and debated about stopping.  But we are Boy Scouts!  We never quit!  Joe and I got into our canoe and began paddling the rest of the way (the adults were still debating until they noticed that we were gone, so they had to get back in their canoes and finish).  The wind picked up.  If we wanted to go fast we would have had to attach an engine to our canoe.  We made it to the end, sore and soaking wet, though we never tipped our canoe. 
- Dan

A few weekends ago, the troop went to Friends Landing for a canoe trip.  We got there on the 17th and set up camp with Eric.  The weather was weird.  There was thunder and lightning and then sun shine.  We actually cooked food on this camp-out; like steak and potatoes.  On the 18th, we started our canoe trip.  We started at Keyes Boat Launch with three canoes and one kayak.  At first it was pretty easy but then it started raining.  The rain came off and on.  We were lucky to have enough sun to finish our lunches.  Near the very end the wind started to blow towards us making it more difficult, but we finished at Friends Landing.  We covered 14 miles in four hours.  It was a very memorable trip because we finished so quickly. 

- Joe 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Rodeo Cleanup 2016

On the last weekend of March our troop cleaned up after messy humans at the Elma Rodeo.  We started at 8:00am. We grabbed some brooms and garbage bags and started cleaning. First we checked the bleachers for garbage. Second we swept the grandstands of all the dirt and crud.  Then we wiped the bleachers of grime.  After that, on Sunday we went under the bleachers and cleaned up all of trash down there and tried not to gag. By the end of the day, the Rodeo was relatively clean and the rest of us not-so-clean. 

under the bleachers

many, many trash bags

Eric displaying the hat and sunglasses he found

Grays Harbor Mounted Posse Rodeo paid us very well for 5 1/2 hours of cleaning.  This will be known as the year of the umbrellas (we found 3 umbrellas).

- Dan the Historian

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Last Summer at Camp Hahobas

(We didn't know it at the time, but this was to be the last summer camp at Hahobas.) 

This summer for Boy Scout camp we went to Camp Hahobas for summer camp.  Camp Hahobas is located near the Hood Canal area (on the Hood Canal).  The scouts who came were the same as last year:  Eric, Joseph, and myself (Dan).  Except this year we had an extra boy come from another troop.  His name was Jeff.  We learned halfway through camp that he is the half-brother of Torgi from Troop 305!  What a small world!  Eric was going to try to become a CIT (counselor in training) this year but he remembered he had Drivers Ed.
relaxing first day after setting up camp

lining up for flag

Joe blacksmithing

 TORTURE!  They finally got everyone over the wall with some help

awesome indoor bouldering wall

Eric the monkey!

the gummy worm block

more blacksmithing

we might have been the only troop that earned the right to do the zipline!

Jeff working on his archery merit badge

On the first day of camp, it was really hot.  It got up to 93degrees!  Our two troop guides were Erik and Luke, they were kind of goofy.  The Merit badges I earned were Pioneering, Metalworking, and I almost earned Orienteering.  On one of the last days, Mom was looking in the van and found the gummy worms we had bought before camp.  They had melted then solidified into a gummy block.  We shared it with the staffers, who thought it was pretty cool and funny.   This year of summer camp was fun, like always.

- Dan the Historian Man

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Klondike 2016

On the last weekend of January our troop went to Camp Delezenne for the 2016 Klondike.
We left Friday morning after we had packed all our stuff we needed to survive for winter camping.
We were accompanied by Darren a former scout in Troop 15. Our patrol this year was the Bowl Patrol. On Saturday we started going to our stations we signed up for the previous night. Our Stations were: Move the Bucket, Flapjack Flippin', Walking A Frame(1st!!!), Take Water from the Creek, Move a Log, Burn the String, Knot Gauntlet, and Boil the Water. It was a wet, muddy Klondike like always. And by the end of the weekend our small four boy patrol was famous!!!
Because our patrol yell was humorous(SPOONS!!!)
Bowl Patrol
Joe with totems
Eric with totems
Steve came to drop off donuts
Going from station to station
New scout Tyson first campout with the troop
The stare of death from the patrol leader