Friday, March 31, 2017

2017 Rodeo Cleanup and Veteran Headstone Laying

Rodeo Cleanup
Last weekend we cleaned up the Rodeo like always.  We arrived at 8:00am, swept the place down, and picked up garbage.  On Sunday, we went underneath the bleachers and got it cleaned up really fast.  It was as dirty and smelly as ever but it was very quick; so I can be grateful.

- Joe

This weekend our troop did its annual Rodeo cleanup at the Elma Fair Grounds.  Apparently they had a bunch of people come to each day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).  Fortunately, there wasn't too much garbage after Friday night.  I think the janitor cleaned up.  Maybe he didn't realize that we do it every year (he is a new employee).  We found quite a few binkies, a pair of sunglasses, a nice pocket knife, an umbrella, and two flannel shirts.

The Rodeo plays us directly.  They are very generous.  I don't know if we will do it next year.   We'll shall see.

We also placed a veteran's headstone Saturday after the Rodeo cleanup.  There were a bunch of family members waiting for us to do our job.  It was unnerving!  I hope we did a good job.  There was a bunch of mud, so I hope it was okay.

- Dan/Renee