Monday, November 6, 2017

Fright Fest at Wild Waves (ft. Troop 4015)

<Sorry, no pictures due to the massive amounts of rain>

Fright Fest

On the 28th of October,  Montesano Troop 4015 (including us) arrived at 5:00 pm to participate in the Wild Waves Annual Fright Fest. Joe, Dad and I were the first to arrive so we waited for them in the pouring rain. After waiting for a small period of time, Jae and Cathy arrived ready for whatever the night would bring. Then, we were all waiting for Steve and Erik but we did not have the inclination to stand in the rain for them so it was decided that we would enter into Wild Waves. 

The crowd was large, and it would have been larger if it had not been pouring down rain.  We made our way through the gates into PURE HORROR!!!! (not really, the haunted houses opened at 7:00) When we entered, Joe and Jae almost immediately got on the twisty-turny roller-coaster.  I couldn't even look at it (I don't like roller-coasters). After a while Erik and Steve finally showed up and the night was filled with roller-coasters and amusement rides, until the haunted houses opened up.

 Dad, Erik, Joe and I made our way to the first haunted house and waited what had to be an eternity in the pouring rain with a bunch of giggling high school girls behind us the entire way.  We finally made it to the haunted house and screams of high schoolers was promising.  Upon entering the evil clown house, I was disappointed. It wasn't scary at all and it relied more on jump-scares than anything else.  

Dad and I were beat after that and made our way back to the car to dry off while Joe and Erik would do the second haunted house.  Then we finally left. All in all it was a pretty entertaining night and would have been even greater if it hadn't been raining so hard.

-Daniel Malchert

Monday, October 30, 2017

Fright Fest 2017 - Wild Waves

Last weekend the troop paid for us all to go to the Fright Fest at Wild Waves.  We arrived 20 minutes before the park opened.  So we waited in the parking lot where we met the Scoutmaster and his wife. 

After that we went into the park where we explored a little bit.  Then the Scoutmaster and I went on a rollercoaster which had a loopdeloop and it twisted upside-down.  It was a rush.  But the best ride I went on was the Timberhawk.  It didn't have any spins but it was faster and longer than the others. 

After the Timberhawk and a ride or two, a few of us went to a haunted house.  The line was huge!  But we eventually got into the haunted house where we proceeded to be screamed at by brightly dressed clowns.  The coolest room in that house was the room with light that spun around causing you to lose your balance. 

Immediately after that, Eric and I got in line for another haunted house where we got stuck with some very chatty girls.  Fortunately, we weren't in line that long. This haunted house was a little better than the clown one because they had cooler props.  It was also fun watching the scaredy cats we were with.

 By the time we were done with that house it was time to head home.  Eric and I walked to the parking where the rest the troop were waiting for us.  I really enjoyed myself, regardless of the fact that it was raining the ENTIRE time.  My favorite part was the rollercoasters.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Seattle Museum of Flight

On the 28th of May the troop went to the Seattle Museum of Flight.  We arrived at around 10:00 am and were welcomed by our own personal guides.  We then looked at a B-17f the model before the B-17g which improved on the previous model.  After talking alot about the B-17 and B-29 we moved on to the Boeing 747 Airliner. It was YUUUGE and I was in awe of this big plane. After looking at alot of planes we moved to the WWI and WWII Plane displays which were very impressive. After a long day of walking and talking and getting cooked in the sun we decided to make one final stop before heading home. We checked out the fricken' Air Force One!!!!!! This plane was the smallest big plane in the museum but was far more interesting than anything else. I mean, three presidents used it!(Nixon-Reagan) Thoroughly dehydrated, we decided on heading back home where it was cooler and rains more often. The experience at the museum was fun and enjoyable and I am glad we did it. Here are some pics of our adventure at the museum:

All of us at lunch
Eric in a blackbird stealth plane

A very large plane 

A turbine of a 787 

D.B. Cooper And Daniel Malchert

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

On Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, Troop 4015 along with the Montesano VFW planted flags next to Veterans' headstones. We had lots of help this year from the VFW in planting flags and remembering our fallen.
-Daniel Malchert, Historian Troop 4015

Friday, March 31, 2017

2017 Rodeo Cleanup and Veteran Headstone Laying

Rodeo Cleanup
Last weekend we cleaned up the Rodeo like always.  We arrived at 8:00am, swept the place down, and picked up garbage.  On Sunday, we went underneath the bleachers and got it cleaned up really fast.  It was as dirty and smelly as ever but it was very quick; so I can be grateful.

- Joe

This weekend our troop did its annual Rodeo cleanup at the Elma Fair Grounds.  Apparently they had a bunch of people come to each day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).  Fortunately, there wasn't too much garbage after Friday night.  I think the janitor cleaned up.  Maybe he didn't realize that we do it every year (he is a new employee).  We found quite a few binkies, a pair of sunglasses, a nice pocket knife, an umbrella, and two flannel shirts.

The Rodeo plays us directly.  They are very generous.  I don't know if we will do it next year.   We'll shall see.

We also placed a veteran's headstone Saturday after the Rodeo cleanup.  There were a bunch of family members waiting for us to do our job.  It was unnerving!  I hope we did a good job.  There was a bunch of mud, so I hope it was okay.

- Dan/Renee