Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Canoe Trip


The sun was shining...but not for long!

                                                                  Steve in his kayak
                                                                         the canoes
Joe and Dan in the newly donated super awesome canoe

Ending point:  Friends Landing  starting point:  Keyes Road boat launch.  Approximately 14 miles

Last weekend our troop went on a canoe trip from Keyes Road to Friends Landing.  Our troop started on Saturday.  Joe and I in the new canoe, Dad and Jae in another, and Steve in a kayak.  Eric decided to man it out and go alone, which I think he regretted later.  As the hours passed, sometimes it rained so hard we had to start bailing with styrofoam cups.  It's suppose to be summer!  About 2/3rd of the way there we stopped in Monte so we could rest.  The adults talked about the foolishness of their choices and debated about stopping.  But we are Boy Scouts!  We never quit!  Joe and I got into our canoe and began paddling the rest of the way (the adults were still debating until they noticed that we were gone, so they had to get back in their canoes and finish).  The wind picked up.  If we wanted to go fast we would have had to attach an engine to our canoe.  We made it to the end, sore and soaking wet, though we never tipped our canoe. 
- Dan

A few weekends ago, the troop went to Friends Landing for a canoe trip.  We got there on the 17th and set up camp with Eric.  The weather was weird.  There was thunder and lightning and then sun shine.  We actually cooked food on this camp-out; like steak and potatoes.  On the 18th, we started our canoe trip.  We started at Keyes Boat Launch with three canoes and one kayak.  At first it was pretty easy but then it started raining.  The rain came off and on.  We were lucky to have enough sun to finish our lunches.  Near the very end the wind started to blow towards us making it more difficult, but we finished at Friends Landing.  We covered 14 miles in four hours.  It was a very memorable trip because we finished so quickly. 

- Joe