Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Troop 15 Stuff

Rodeo Clean-up
We cleaned up after the rodeo on Saturday morning, Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon. We swept and picked up garbage. We went under the bleachers. It was a place so horrible it has no name. It was really dusty, too. We found a sock, a plastic horse, pair of readers, several sippy cups, bracelet, and several toys.

VFW Park Clean-up
The troop picked up sticks and branches that blew down from the trees at the VFW park in Monte.

Scout O'Rama
Only three boys went to Scout O-rama. They made rope and I think they did the knot gauntlet.  Here's a picture of the knot gauntlet.

Moose Lodge
We cooked burgers again. I think we made around $8 each for camp.

Troop Blogger Dan