Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Troop 15 Stuff

Rodeo Clean-up
We cleaned up after the rodeo on Saturday morning, Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon. We swept and picked up garbage. We went under the bleachers. It was a place so horrible it has no name. It was really dusty, too. We found a sock, a plastic horse, pair of readers, several sippy cups, bracelet, and several toys.

VFW Park Clean-up
The troop picked up sticks and branches that blew down from the trees at the VFW park in Monte.

Scout O'Rama
Only three boys went to Scout O-rama. They made rope and I think they did the knot gauntlet.  Here's a picture of the knot gauntlet.

Moose Lodge
We cooked burgers again. I think we made around $8 each for camp.

Troop Blogger Dan

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Near the end of January we went to a place called Klondike. Klondike is a camp that improves our skills as a Boy Scout. Our troop did activities like: move the log (you need teamwork), tomahawk throw, knot gauntlet, and move the bucket (also teamwork needed). Our patrol name was Raging Bulls the other patrol name was Nutty Squirrels. We hung around the camp to keep the fire going because it was cold. There was a little snow on the ground. We had to set up our tent in the snow and cook our meals. It was actually pretty fun.

Luke's Eagle Project - Lake Sylvia Trail Improvement
The project was improving a trail so it would be safer. We graveled the trail, put rails along part of the trail, added some steps, and ate donuts and pizza.

 Snow Camping at Mt. Rainier

 sleeping in a snow cave

Daniel - Troop Historian