Thursday, September 15, 2011

September Court of Honor

  The troop had a Court of Honor on the 14th of September.  Which is basically an award ceremony.  All the merit badges, ranks, or any other awards that the scouts earned after the last court of honor are presented to them.

  Here are pictures that were taken during the award ceremony.

Folks showing up at the VFW park

Luke and Jae







Tommy being awarded his merit badges

Jason awarded with his merit badges

Daniel being awarded his merit badges

Ty being awarded his merit badges
  -The Troop Historian

Monday, September 12, 2011

Flag Retirement at Elma

  Sunday, the troop went to Elma and met troop 4014 at the memorial park to retire some American flags.  The whole troop was in full uniform, it was probably 90 degrees out, and there was a fire going to burn the flags.  We were all very warm.

  As always, here are some of the pictures that were taken.

Before the ceremony

Both troops learning how to cut the flags

An awesome cannon in the park

Starting the ceremony.

Nutty Squirrels patrol, a pair a cubbies, and a girlscout participating in retiring an American flag

Raging Bulls patrol, and a cubbie retiring an American flag

Troop 4014 retiring an American flag

Waiting to burn the bits of the American flags

Afterwards, saying the scout oath and The Pledge of Allegiance

-The Troop Historian

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer Camp

Summer camp this year was at Camp Parsons, one of the coolest camps ever! Parsons has mostly swimming and boating merit badges, probably because it has a very nice waterfront. The camp is right off of Jackson cove, which is off of Dabob Bay.  Here are some pictures taken during the summer camp at Parsons.

Scoutmaster Jae

The scoutmaster's adirondack

This is where the scouts slept

Tom cooking breakfast

Jeremy, Benjamin, and Ty eating breakfast

On the left is going to be the new trading post.  On the right is the Silver Marmoset Grill.

The Trading Post

Joe and Dan on the five mile hike.

-The Troop Historian